The server room's a harsh place
As time goes on our storage requirements grow, and so every time we come to review a new NAS product, the product in hand seems even more important than the ones we've had before it. Important in the sense that it needs to do what we'd expect of it, and it needs to do it well.
The latest NAS product to hit the HEXUS Labs is no exception. In fact, we'd plonk this particular product into categories such as 'mission critical', 'uptime' and 'key infrastructure'. Today, dear readers, we're reviewing a rackmount NAS solution. It stands to reason, then, that this product should allow us to install it, configure it, then use it, and use it, and use it... If something goes wrong, we should still be able to use it. If something needs fixing, it should be easy to fix. You get the idea.
The product in question is named the 1U4500, made by Thecus. Thecus products are no strangers to the HEXUS Labs, and over the course of the last couple of years we've seen a variety of NAS devices for different purposes, each fulfilling their roles to different degrees of success. In the case of the 1U4500, we must consider the demands of the server room and judge it as such; it simply must deliver what Thecus promises. So, let's see what this product offers up and whether it can indeed deliver...