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Thecus N4200: Zero-Crash NAS reviewed and rated

by Parm Mann on 4 May 2010, 16:14 4.0

Tags: N4200, Thecus (4978.TWO)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qax2n

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Benchmarks: NAS Performance Toolkit and File Copy

Confirming our Iometer results, Intel's NAS Performance Toolkit shows that the QNAP box offers slightly better read performance, but Thecus's N4200 is the better multi tasker - coming out ahead in the simulated HD playback and record test.

A basic file transfer favours the Thecus box, with the N4200 able to accept an 8.83GB assortment of files over 20 per cent quicker than QNAP's TS-439 Pro.