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by Tarinder Sandhu on 20 January 2003, 00:00 4.5


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Benchmarks II

Gaming should further highlight the benefits of running faster RAM. 3DMark 2001SE (build 330) is an excellent tool that places great emphasis on fast RAM coupled with low, tight timings. Run at 1024x768x32.

900 marks gained with no CPU speed change - just a change in memory speed and timings. If you thought that decent memory couldn't make a difference on a P4 platform, think again.

Serious Sam 2 next. This time the Sierra De Chiapas demo. Run at 1024x768x32 at normal settings.

Over a 15% rise exhibited via running super-fast memory. Running 217MHz (DDR434) with tight timings does wonders at lower, subsystem-limited resolutions. A R9700 helps to shift the bottleneck to the system at 1024x768x32.

Comanche 4 has also been sensitive to changes in memory speeds and timings. What can 217MHz memory do against our concocted 162MHz RAM.

Not quite 15% this time, but meaningful gains are still to be had.