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Review: ABIT AI7 Springdale

by Tarinder Sandhu on 1 December 2003, 00:00

Tags: abit

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System setup and notes

Here's a quick rundown of the test system should you wish to compare benchmark results with your own.
  • AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Clawhammer CPU. RAM running with an 10 divisor (DDR400, single channel)
  • Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz ES 800FSB CPU
  • ABIT AI7 i865PE Springdale motherboard (A14 BIOS)
  • ABIT IC7 i875P Canterwood (A18 BIOS)
  • ABIT KV8-MAX3 S754 (A16 BIOS)

Other components

  • Hercules 3D Prophet 9800XT Classic
  • 2 x 256MB Corsair XMS3500C2, run at 2-6-2-2 @ DDR400 for all boards .
  • Liteon 16x DVD
  • Samcheer 420w PSU
  • Dell P991 19" monitor
  • Zalman 7000Cu S478 / S754 cooler


  • Windows XP Professional SP1
  • DirectX9.0a
  • VIA 4.49v2 chipset drivers
  • Intel 5.02.1002 chipset drivers
  • ATI CATALYST 3.9 drivers and control panel (6396s)
  • Pifast v41 to 10m places
  • Lame v3.92 MP3 encoding with Razor-Lame 1.15 front-end using U2's Pop album (607MB)
  • Kribi Bench 1.19
  • ScienceMark 2.0
  • Realstorm Raytracing benchmark v1.10 320x180x32
  • 3DMark 2001SE v330
  • UT2003 retail game (Build 2225)
  • X²: The Threat - Rolling Demo
  • Comanche 4 benchmark
  • Serious Sam 2: Sierra De Chiapas Demo.
  • Quake 3 v1.30 HQ

  • Notes

    The board installed and operated Windows XP SP1 without any problems. It was flashed to the latest A14 BIOS which provided PAT-like performance optimisations. It will be compared to two other ABIT boards. The IC7 Canterwood and the KV8-MAX3 VIA K8T800 S754 AMD 64. The latter should make for some interesting comparisons.


    Not that many, really. The on-board floppy controller decided to commit hari-kiri soon after benchmarking was complete. The BIOS was consistently stated a floppy-related error had occurred (code 80). The drive and cable were tested in another machine and found to contain no faults. 2GB of PC3500 RAM would sometimes crash at overclocked speeds and latencies, but 1GB of Corsair TwinX XMS3200LLPT showed rock-solid form.


    With the lack of multiplier adjustment for our semi-unlocked 3.2GHz P4, a 2.6GHz 800FSB CPU was used. The board showed excellent stability at 250FSB, with all peripherals and features working correctly, including the 5:4 FSB-to-RAM ratio. Raising the FSB ceiling much higher suggested a CPU limitation rather than a chipset's. We'll return to this section once we have an appropriate multiplier-unlocking BIOS.

    Running speeds

    3208.1MHz - ABIT AI7 i865PE

    3207.7MHz - ABIT IC7

    2004.5MHz - ABIT KV8-MAX3

    On to the benchmarks we go.