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Review: ASUS P4P800 Deluxe [i865PE] Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 21 May 2003, 00:00 4.5

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qarm

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Benchmarks II

An extraordinary showing in the 2D benchmarks. With seemingly more usable bandwidth than any other chipset, it should do well in gaming. Let's see with 3DMark 2001SE v330. Run at 1024x768x32.

The surprises continue with gaming. It's hardly surprising if you consider just what kind of bandwidth the P4P800D produces with SPD timings, though. We report what we see. Almost 19,000 marks with a supposedly inferior chipset. Shame no-one told the P4P800 that. A breakdown of the score can be found here. Note how the bandwidth-starved lobby tests are truly excellent here.

Serious Sam 2 next. 1024x768x32. Sierra De Chiapas demo with a quality bias. Anisotropic filtering was disabled here.

Can it win ?, sure it can. By now you'll not be surprised to see it heading the charts. The explanation of just how it achieves chart-topping performance has been made abundantly clear

Comanche 4. 1024x768x32

Vroom, vroom here too. There seems to be no stopping it. Shocking, frankly.