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Review: Shuttle AB48PN i845PE 800FSB

by Tarinder Sandhu on 28 April 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: Shuttle

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Benchmarks II

Gaming and 3DMark 2001SE v330. Run at the default settings of 1024x768x32. An ATi Radeon 9800 Pro ensures that the motherboards will have to perform. It's prodigious power requires a fast subsystem.

The AB48PN consistently trumpeted its nearest challenger. For a breakdown of the Shuttle's scores, head here.

Serious Sam 2 and the fast-paced Sierra De Chiappas demo with a quality setting. The in-built anisotropic filtering is disabled to make this as much of a subsystem test as possible.

Another decent showing. Notice how the 200FSB i845PEs outclass the 3.06/133FSB combination in these bandwidth-hungry tests ?.

Comanche 4. Run at the usual 1024x768x32.

Pretty consistent again. The XP3000 combination doesn't favour this test.