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Review: Shuttle MN31N micro-ATX nForce2

by Tarinder Sandhu on 31 March 2003, 00:00 4.5

Tags: Shuttle

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Benchmarks III

UT2003 build 2206 next. Run at 1024x768x32. First the flybys.

And now the bot matches

The debilitating effects of single channel DDR on integrated graphics performance shows itself again as the GeForce4 MX posts relatively poor scores when compared to dual channel running. The Radeon 9800 Pro, as expected, simply demolishes the other cards.

Quake III v1.30 1024x768x32 high quality settings

The micro-ATX and standard ATX Shuttle and MSI motherboards trade top places when running a Radeon 9800 Pro. That shows us that the Shuttle board is every bit as fast as a well-established full ATX motherboard. Don't let its diminutive size fool you into thinking that performance has been compromised in any way.