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Review: Intel D845PEBT2

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 9 February 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Benchmarks III

Only SETI and Lame MP3 encoding performance to go. SETI first, a massive test of FPU power and memory bandwidth performance.

SETI performance

While the BT2 gets the 3.06 to play with and the boost with HyperThreading, it can't generate the memory bandwidth performance needed to keep up with the RDRAM based P4 solutions or the superfast XP2700+ and nForce2 combination which shows all the P4 systems how SETI should be done. The BT2 isn't slow, it just highlights the difference in memory performance doing work like SETI.

Lastly in terms of benchmarks, the Lame MP3 encoding test using the 3.92MMX version of the encoder.

Lame 3.92MMX MP3 encoding performance

Almost fully CPU dependant, the BT2 and 3.06 combination are super quick and very close to the D850EMV2 in terms of performance. It shows the BT2 really can push some good numbers and the DDR shouldn't put you off compared to an RDRAM solution.

So a quick look at the audio solution then our conclusions on the board.