Benchmarks I
Starting off with SiSoft SANDRA's memory analysis. The Pentium 4 simply thrives on bandwidth. What can the 648 MAX do when run at DDR-400 ?.
It's nice to see that a DDR-based motherboard can break the 3GB/s barrier when run at the P4's native 133FSB. You'll need high quality RAM to do so, though. The i850E's full-speed RAMBUS, represented by the Gigabyte 8IHXP, takes top honours. At the other end of the scale, the i845E, stunted with only official DDR266 support, lags behind.
Looks impressive in that context.
Buffered benchmarks take prefetching and streaming into account. The unbuffered benchmark disables these for, perhaps, a more relevant indication of potential performance.
The scores are lower due to no intelligent prefetching being allowed, but the positions remain unaltered. If anything. RAMBUS' lead has grown in percentage terms.