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Review: MSI 880GMA-E45 motherboard. The new budget king?

by Tarinder Sandhu on 11 June 2010, 08:57 3.0

Tags: MSI

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Gaming, power-draw and overclocking

Now we bring the focus on to the IGPs on each motherboard. The 880G's Radeon HD 4250 operates at 500MHz, whereas the faster 890GX's HD 4290 hums along at 700MHz.

Designed for casual gaming, the HD 4250 is around 30 per cent slower than the competition. The IGP frequencies would suggest that the gap should be smaller than this, however, and the lack of SidePort memory may have a bearing on the result.

Performance in H.A.W.X is lower than expected, going by the results in CoD: MW2, but the game is just about playable with the lowest in-game settings.


All three boards idle at roughly the same power-draw, measured at the wall and quoted for the system as a whole.


Adding 10 per cent to the chipset and memory voltage and dropping the multiplier of the 1090T down to 6x, we managed to hit a stable HTT clock of 265MHz. We consider it to be just above average for a mATX board.

Overclocking the IGP proved to be even more fruitful, as the board's integrated graphics were stable at 780MHz, resulting in a Call of Duty benchmark score of 32.1fps. Indeed, the frequency is higher than the shipping clocks of the 890GX.