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Review: 3-way i955x motherboard shootout

by Tarinder Sandhu on 16 September 2005, 00:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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ScienceMark 2.0, Pifast

Let's take a look at memory performance first.

The 3 black-coloured lines represent the performance of our i955X trio on test. It's of no real surprise that memory bandwidth performance, according to ScienceMark 2.0, is nearly identical in all 3 cases, and it's just above the figure for the i945G chipset, which, as you will no doubt know, is bereft of the MCH optimisations present in the i955X.

Memory access latency is also just about where we'd expect fine-tuned i955Xs' to be, which is around 8ns better than an i945G's

What that analysis amounts to, is a Pifast time which differs by less than 0.2s across the 3 boards. Default performance, then, probably won't be a defining factor.