Semi-strenuous workloads
Triangle Man, Triangle Man
So, can we think of another use for the platform? Some of you may have read my article on making a media server with Linux, so how about using this thing as a client? It could make for a nice small media playback device, right? Let's take a look - first with general media playback, then with a couple of "Media Center" applications, MythTV and Elisa. First, we'll try something relatively simple: DVD playback. How does the machine handle a DVD?
Okay. 60-80% CPU consumption is far from great, but at least playback was smooth. How about something a little more modern than MPEG2 - a DVD rip, standard definition, using the H.264 codec. Is that okay?
No, it isn't. Note the nice friendly message from mplayer. Given these characteristics with standard definition, imagine HD for a second - then stop, very quickly. There's no way on earth this kit will do HD smoothly, as is.
Let's try another tack, then. Ignore the H.264 question for now, and keep going with MPEG2. How about some nice user-friendly frontends? First, Elisa. This is a very much "in development" application, with a whizzy OpenGL-based front-end. How does it handle?
It doesn't. Most of the textures are missing. Another epic failure for the PX10000G's use for media. Finally, what about MythTV? Let's try playing back a recording.
Spot the CPU graph in the top right. Not happening. However, this is odd - EPIA boards are a popular choice for MythTV frontends. What's going wrong here?