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Review: Can EQS's RS690IKM-AB6S best VIA's ITX-sized motherboards?

by James Thorburn on 25 October 2007, 13:11

Tags: RS690IKM-AB6S, AMD (NYSE:AMD), VIA Technologies (TPE:2388), EQS

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaj6f

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Gaming performance



Both the EQS RS690IKM-AB6S and Foxconn G33M-S come out poorly in terms of performance and compatibility. The EQS failed to run Quake 4, while the Fox couldn't get its head around SC: CT - and each returned sub-par frame rates in the games it could run. The use of single-channel memory doesn't help but integrated graphics processors still have a long way to go before they'll be suitable for gaming.

The lack of a PEG slot means there's no way round this situation, so the EQS RS690IKM-AB6S is totally unsuitable for anyone looking to have even an occasional gaming session on a small system.