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NVIDIA's GeForce 6200 with TurboCache Preview

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 15 December 2004, 00:00


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System Setup and Notes


NVIDIA GeForce 6200, NV43, PEG16X, 128MB, 300/700
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 TurboCache, NV44, PEG16X, 16MB, 350/700
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 TurboCache, NV44, PEG16X, 32MB, 350/700

AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 2200MHz, 512KB L2, Dual-channel, Socket 939
1GB OCZ PC3200 Platinum rev2, 2 x 512MB, 2-2-2-5
NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra Reference, nForce4 Ultra, PEG16X, Socket 939


Windows XP Profession w/ Service Pack 2
NVIDIA ForceWare 71.20
NVIDIA Unified Platform Driver 6.11

D3D Rightmark BETA
Shadermark 2.1
Half-Life 2
Unreal Tournament 2003


While Athlon 64 3500+ and 1GB of memory doesn't represent the kind of system the TurboCache 6200 will reside in, it removes the rest of the system as a bottleneck without going over the top. NVIDIA's latest 71.20 driver helps with the testing. They helpfully crippled it to only work with 6200 TurboCache and not any of their other gigantic range of products, but some addition of the right device IDs saw it install fine on the NV43-based 6200.

The driver has a new information panel that tells you just what you've got in your system.

Testing was without issue except when system memory sizes were 256MB (unexpected, 256MB of system memory is a supported TurboCache configuration) and 2GB (I doubt NVIDIA have done much testing with 2GB systems since the likelyhood of the two being in the same system are roughly zero in reality). 512MB and 1GB were fine however and 1GB was used at all times for the recorded benchmarks.