Unreal Tournament 2004
Vendor: Epic - (Website)API: DX9.0
Pixel Shader Version Supported: Unknown
A bizarre graph that highlights the vagaries of testing on two different platforms. It appears as if the ASUS RADEON X800 XT PE is some way behind even a GeForce 6800 GT. AGP graphics, meaning all NVIDIA-based cards, are tested on an Athlon 64 3500+ setup. ASUS' card is run on a Pentium 4 560 (3.6GHz). Athlon 64 power disguises just how good RADEON cards are in UT2004. An aside, CATALYST A.I was run in standard mode, as UT2004 is one of the real-world gaming titles ATI optimises for.
Performance differences are made clearer when AntiAliasing and Anisotropic Filtering are applied. What's important to note is the lack of ASUS' performance decrease as we run through the resolutions. Compare that with the sharper drop-off of NVIDIA's cards.