Unreal Tournament 2003
Vendor: Epic - (Website)API: DX8.0
Pixel Shader Version Supported: PS1.1, some limited PS1.4 shaders to render terrain in less passes
The standout result here is from the GeForce 6800 GT PCIe. There's literally no drop from 1024x768 through to 1600x1200. ASUS' AX800XT PCIe card only drops by around 20% from the lowest to highest resolutions. Another testament to how great the leap has been from previous generation's cards. One would need super-cooled, super-overclocked CPUs to maximise the cards' potential.
4X AA/8X AF is enough to make the cards buckle. Once again, if we ignore platform differences, the PCIe X800 XT is around 20% faster than its Pro counterpart. Is that worth an extra Ā£60?. That depends entirely on your budget.