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Review: Galax GeForce GTX 980 HOF

by Parm Mann on 27 November 2014, 12:00


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacl25

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Power, Temperature and Noise

Top-notch performance usually carries a caveat or two. Here's one: the Galaxy GTX 980 HOF chews through a fair amount of power. Granted, it runs circles around the reference card, but on the flip side system-wide power consumption when gaming is increased by 83 watts (just over 40 per cent).

Increased power consumption usually means higher temps, but the HOF's monstrous cooler isn't just for show. Considering the core clock speed, a return of 72ºC under load is very healthy. Idle temp is practically cold, and in knowing that, we'd like to see Galax mirror its competitors by implementing some form of silent-fan technology. There's arguably no need for the fans to spin at all when the card is idling.

Reading the specification sheet had us fearing the worst. The HOF was certain to sound like a jet engine, right? Thankfully, that isn't the case. The card keeps quiet when idle and, when under load, fan speed peaked at 63 per cent (roughly 1,860RPM), keeping noise output to a reasonable level. This isn't the quietest GTX 980, but it isn't the loudest either.

Though, it can be if you want it to. Hit the OC button on the back and the fans ramp-up dramatically, causing noise levels to rocket to 58dB. Handy if you want to wake up any house mates in the middle of the night.