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Review: PowerColor Devil 13 Dual Core R9 290X

by Parm Mann on 26 June 2014, 16:55

Tags: PowerColor (6150.TWO), AMD (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacfyb

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Total War: Rome II

Homepage: totalwar.com/en_gb/rome2 | Publisher: Sega | Developer: The Creative Assembly

Providing an excellent mix of strategy and action, Total War: Rome II's epic turn-based gameplay can swallow hours of your life.

Driver improvements or fast memory could be the reason for the performance increase in Total War: Rome II, but either way, we're now seeing near-perfect scaling when compared to a single R9 290X.

Almost every frame is churned out in less than 33ms.

There's no doubt about it, the R9 290X Dual Core Devil 13 is about as fast and smooth as they come. But these days, in-game performance tells only half the story...