Serious Sam 2
- Author: Croteam
- DirectX Class: 8.1
- Pixel and Vertex Shaders: No
- Other: Uses OpenGL, supports quad pass multitexture and game applied aniso
DX8.1 class, OpenGL based, we use the OpenGL Extreme add-on to force maximum image quality. Aniso is applied using the driver control panel instead of the in-game option.
In DX8.1 class titles, the Aeolus will always be competitive with nearly all Radeon based hardware, Serious Sam 2 proves that. As the pixel count gets really high, it's nice to see the near 50% performance drop off from the 4x1 architecture, mid-range, cards. It confirms that everything is working properly and 5950 is actually laying down 8 textured pixels per clock.