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Review: ATI Radeon 9600XT (/w NV36)

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 15 October 2003, 00:00

Tags: ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaue

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X2: The Threat

  • Author: Egosoft
  • DirectX Class: 9.0
  • Pixel and Vertex Shaders: Yes (unknown versions or amount of effects)

The graph is misleading, since despite having higher performance than 9600XT, the 52.16 drivers give its rival massive stuttering issues in X2 that would render it unplayable. No such apparent issues with 52.14 however on GeForce FX5900 Ultra (not shown), so it may be fixable. The 9600XT does very well, with no performance problems apparent.

A quick look at overclocking and noise, then I'll try and wrap it up.


Render wise, nothing looks wrong on any of the boards, but the Radeon's aniso filter seems to give rise to sharper texture retail in some scenes, compared to the rival. Overall very good on all boards.