Far Cry 3
Homepage: Far-cry.ubi.com | Publisher and Developer: Ubisoft.com |
Open-world gaming at its very best, Far Cry 3 redefines the genre through breathtaking visuals and first-class gameplay.
Irrespective of resolution, the GeForce maintains a comfortable lead in Far Cry 3, with the 780 Ti showing a performance lead of up to 20 per cent over the Radeon R9 280X.
Less than 2.5GB of memory is being used on either card in this title, and the extra performance available to the GTX 780 Ti is playing dividends. Nvidia's card is able to maintain in excess of 30 frames per second at 3,840x2,160 with Ultra quality settings. Not bad going for a single GPU, though, ahem, still a far cry from the 60fps we're craving.