CodeCreatures Pro
Code Creatures Pro, the lovely-looking Nature-like benchmark, is one to tax the cards heavily. Massive polygon counts, buckets of multi-texturing, and an awesome visual experience mark out this benchmark from many others.No card breaks 50 FPS at the modest 1024x768x32, now that's a surprise.
Perhaps the 5900 Ultra's 256MB of on-board RAM and love of multi-texturing scenarios propels the NVIDIA card to the top of the pile, or it may be down to something rather simple, as we shall see. The Crucial 9800 Pro keeps its nose ahead of its stablemate, as expected.
Ouch !!. What's goin' on 'ere ?. It seems as if the naughty people at NVIDIA aren't applying card-sapping anisotropic filtering when running this benchmark. Sure, the FX5900 Ultra may well be better in this benchmark; its difficult to ascertain by just how much when comparative cards aren't running the same benchmark.