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Review: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 7 June 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

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Comanche 4

Comanche 4, a traditionally bad looking benchmark. I've seen people call it pretty. They're the same people that think Tina Turner is attractive. Anyway, a baseline.

The scale of the graph is deceptive and I didn't change it on purpose to make you gasp in horror as 9700 Pro multilates the R350's. Not quite. IQ enabled now to put some lipstick on the benchmark and make her presentable.

256MB 9800 Pro takes the lead, but it's all down to the clocks. Honest. At least the textures look a bit better now. 2.5x the pixels now with IQ still enabled, just to be evil.

Boring, let's look at the PD graph instead.

Ooh! Are we actually seeing the extra memory becoming useful? I'd have to say we are, the PD on the 9800 Pro 256MB is significantly less than on its lesser equipped brethren, statistically speaking. But the test is still ugly. Can we find more PD goodness with Unreal Tournament?