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NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX, 7900 GT and 7600 GT Preview

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 9 March 2006, 14:05

Tags: Nvidia Geforce 7900 GTX, NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaeyi

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Game Performance

The game tests will come in two parts for this article, look out for the extra section shortly after CeBit which adds games and ATI's mid-range SKUs. Yes, I suck.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


7900 GTX is every so slightly ahead of 7800 GTX 512, with both products still trailing ATI's flagship desktop products. 7900 GT is slower than X1800 XT in this shader-heavy test, which is slightly surprising, and 7600 GT sits at around 50% of 7900 GTX. Since it's about half the chip, at similar (ish) clocks...

Keep this result in mind for just a few minutes, and remember there's no baseline score here. Results have a level of AA and AF applied.

Quake 4

Quake 4

At the two resolutions we tested in Quake 4 for this piece, there are a couple of interesting data points. At 1600x1200, 7900 GT is level with X1800 XT, but loses ground at 1920x1200. Secondly, 7800 GTX 512 and 7900 GTX are faster than ATI's Radeon X1900 XT and XTX.



7900 GTX is ahead of Radeon X1900 XT and XTX initially, but loses ground as resolution rises, until it's level with X1900 XT by 1920x1200. 7900 GT is as fast as GTX 512 in F.E.A.R, and 7600 GT is around half as fast as 7900 GTX.

While not shown, at the same clocks G71 is faster than G70 in this test at all resolutions.