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Review: ASUS GeForce GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP

by Parm Mann on 9 May 2012, 12:04 4.0


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Benchmark: Just Cause 2

Review: HEXUS.net/qaxqb | Where2buy: amazon.co.uk
Homepage: justcause.com | Publisher: Eidos Interactive | Developer: Avalanche Studios

Just Cause 2 is one of the older titles in our suite and uses DX10 visuals. It's no longer cutting edge, but it's still a lot of fun and can be used to cross-reference older reviews.

Once again, Just Cause 2 shows that the factory overclock is enough to propel the ASUS card up the charts - it soars past dual-GPU cards such as Radeon HD 6990 and GeForce GTX 590.