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Review: PNY Verto GeForce4 Ti4400

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 14 June 2001, 00:00

Tags: PNY Verto GEFORCE4 TI4400, PNY

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Card Performance

For possibly the last time in a while, I'll be testing card performance on an AMD DDR platform featuring KT333 before I switch to a P4 platform for future testing. While it's nice to have a constant hardware base across a range of reviews, the pace of change in computing dictates I upgrade some time so it's goodbye to my trusty XP1500 and AMD DDR boards shortly after this review and onto Intel, P4 and DDR.

Software wise, nothing changes from previous GeForce4 reviews bar an upgrade to 28.80 Detonator 4 drivers offering near identical performance in practice to 27.42 and 27.70, two previous driver sets used in testing here at Hexus.

I'll include Ti550 and MSI Ti4400 numbers run on an EPoX 8K3A which uses the same KT333 chipset and performs nearly identically to the ABIT AT7 used in testing the PNY.

All benchmarks were run 3 times and the top and bottom results discarded. If any results deviated by more than 1% either way, they were discarded and another set of runs done to get a good set of 3 to work from.

V-Sync was forced off in both OpenGL and Direct3D but all other driver options were left at default to highlight out of the box performance without tweaking. Finally, a reboot was done between each game test to be fair.

I used RivaTuner RC10.1 to overclock the card using the low level overclocking feature that doesn't need to reinitialise the driver to set the clocks.

As always before the numbers, the test bed.

• ABIT AT7, KT333 Chipset, Socket A AMD DDR Motherboard
• EPoX 8K3A, KT333 Chipset, Socket A AMD DDR Motherboard
• AMD Athlon XP1500+ Processor (1.33GHz, 10 x 133)
• 1 x 256Mb Samsung PC2700 DDR Memory Modules (CAS2)
PNY Verto GeForce 4 Ti4400 128MB
• MSI G4Ti4400-VTD (MS-8871) GeForce4 Ti4400 128MB
• Gainward Ti550 GeForce3 Ti500 64MB
• Adaptec 39160 PCI SCSI Dual Channel U160 controller
• 2 x 73Gb Seagate Cheetah U160 10,000rpm SCSI disks
• Plextor 12/10/32S SCSI CDRW
• Pioneer 6x Slot-load SCSI DVD
• Creative Soundblaster Audigy Player Retail

• Windows XP Professional Build 2600.xpclient.010817-1148
• DetonatorXP 27.42, 28.80 NVIDIA drivers
• Aquamark v2.3
• Quake3 v1.30
• 3DMark 2001 Professional Second Edition
• Serious Sam: The Second Encounter Demo

Onto the results!