Presentation and Bundle
Finally, the large ASUS graphics card box with something inside to match.The box confirms what you're getting with a specifications list showing dual GPUs, 512MiB of total board memory and the ability to drive four displays. A painted man with massive breasts and a giant sword (please, ASUS, never make me type those words into a product review ever again) is the advertising image wheeled out to make you want to buy the Extreme N7800GT Dual. Err?
The Extreme N7800GT Dual doesn't work in all mainboards and therefore ASUS publish a list of (all SLI) mainboards they've verified that the product works properly in.
HEXUS.update: ASUS have been in touch to say that the Extreme N7800GT Dual is validated to work in the following mainboards.
ASUS P5N32-SLI (pending a BIOS update coming soon)
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe
Gigabyte GA-K8NXP-SLI
Indeed, HEXUS can further verify that it works in the lesser DFI nF4 SLI-D (no Silicon Image) RAID controller in both SLI and four-head fashion.
When finally shipping, the Dual will come bundled with a copy of Call of Duty 2 according to one of ASUS's local UK PR representatives. Other software shipped with the hardware includes VirtualDrive 9 which allows you to copy DVDs and CDs to your hard disk and have them appear to the operating system as physical disks, Cyberlink PowerDirector, ASUS DVD and the driver and utilities CD required to get the hardware running in your system.
Finally, you'll also get the PSU, the two VGA headers for four head running (pictured), a pair of DVI-to-VGA convertors, VIVO cable for connecting to the Philips SAA7115 video processor before hand off to the GPU for display and a PEG power adaptor incase your PSU doesn't have one and you wish to run the Dual from it.
The manuals for the hardware shipped with the sample weren't specific to the Dual, outlining how to get a graphics card running in your system in a general sense without outlining any operating issues specific to the Dual.
As far as the bundle and presentation go, the Call of Duty 2 bundle deal is a significant value add for ASUS but the man with giant norks would be best retired and not used on any more ASUS box art. We kid, we kid, but ASUS could do better in that respect.