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Review: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2GB graphics card

by Tarinder Sandhu on 22 March 2012, 13:00 4.5


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Benchmarks - Batman: Arkham City

Review: HEXUS.net/qa7so | Where2buy: amazon.co.uk

Batman: Arkham City is a class above many games in the action-adventure genre, marrying gorgeous graphics and strong level design with potent storytelling and a kick-ass selection of gadgets and moves. It looks great in DX11, too.

Normal service is resumed in Batman: Arkham City. We test with 8x MSAA, solely to stress the cards, though FXAA works nicely and is a much quicker rendering setting.

Percentage faster
at 2,560x1,600
HD 7970 GTX 580
33.3% 33.3%

The GTX 680 is one-third faster than either GPU in our table. What's more, the Kepler card is almost as quick as the GTX 590. It seems as if a 2GB framebuffer is plenty when gaming at the esoteric 2,560x1,600 setting, in this game at least.