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Review: Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 OC in CrossFire

by Parm Mann on 31 January 2012, 16:00 4.5

Tags: Sapphire, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabbxr

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Benchmark: Batman: Arkham City

Review: HEXUS.net/qa7so | Where2buy: amazon.co.uk

Batman: Arkham City is a class above many games in the action-adventure genre, marrying gorgeous graphics and strong level design with potent storytelling and a kick-ass selection of gadgets and moves. It looks great in DX11, too.

Dual-GPU scaling in
Batman: Arkham City
CrossFire at 1080p CrossFire at 1600p SLI at 1080p SLI at 1600p
15.4% 33.3% 72.3% 84.6%

Uh oh, that wasn't in the script, was it? The Radeons scaled near-perfectly in Aliens vs. Predator, but we aren't seeing similar results in Batman: Arkham City.

In this title, jumping from a single GTX 580 to dual GTX 580s in SLI sees a performance boost of 85 per cent at 1600p. Doubling up in Radeon HD 7950s, however, sees only a 33.3 per cent increase at the same resolution.

Sapphire's single-card performance remains strong - and indeed ahead of GTX 580 territory - but it seems driver immaturity is holding back the CrossFire'd setup.