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Review: AMD Radeon HD 7950 graphics processor

by Tarinder Sandhu on 31 January 2012, 05:00 4.0


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabbwb

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Benchmarks - Battlefield 3

Review: HEXUS.net/qa7yc | Where2buy: amazon.co.uk

Battlefield 3 is one of the most popular PC games of 2011 and features breathtaking visuals and an absorbing multiplayer component.

Percentage faster
at 2,560x1,600
HD 7970 GTX 580
14.2% 3.1%

We use Ultra settings and haven't experienced any of the dropouts that others have. However, even with the new drivers performance is only really acceptable at 1,920x1,080. You'd have to drop the quality settings down a notch or two to make it run at the 25x16 setting. Though many readers don't have monitors of this size and pixel count, a 4MP examination gives us a good inkling of how it will perform in a multi-monitor environment.

And yes, the GeForce GTX 580 scores a small win here.