Benchmarks - Aliens vs. Predator
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The standalone Aliens vs. Predator benchmark uses DX11 features such as hardware tessellation and advanced shadow sampling to draw and animate everyone's favourite xenomorph.
Normalised 5760 performance | HD 7970 | HD 6970 | HD 5870 |
100% | 80.1% | 22.9% |
5760 vs. 1080 performance | HD 7970 | HD 6970 | HD 5870 |
49.5% | 47.8% | 17.6% |
Two sets of numbers here, folks. The normalised performance shows you just how the three GPUs compare against one another at the 5,760x1,080 setting. Radeon HD 7970 is the fastest, obviously, and will always have the 100 per cent score. Radeon HD 6970 does pretty well and manages to match 80 per cent of the faster card's numbers. Meanwhile, the Radeon HD 5870's framebuffer limitations cause the frame-rate to plummet, so much so that it can only pull 22.9 per cent of the performance of the HD 7970.
The second set of numbers show how each card scales from 1,920x1,080 to 5,760x1,080. The two faster Radeons keep almost half their performance, while the 1GB framebuffer is completely swamped on the HD 5870.
Sapphire's HD 7970 has the fastest performance of the trio and also manages to keep more of its perf at the higher setting. What's more, the three-screen numbers are actually important - the game is just about playable on the fastest card.