
Earlier yesterday we published an in-depth look at the three new graphics-card challengers in the £200-£250 space. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 275 and ATI's Radeon HD 4890 XT and OC are the product of proven designs launched last year. Our conclusion gave the nod, ever so slightly, to NVIDIA's GTX 275, but we expected AMD partners to hit back with a slew of overclocked ATI Radeon HD 4890 OC cards which ran past the 900MHz core and 3,900MHz specification.
Sapphire's been the first off the bat with such a card. Known as the Radeon HD 4890 OC Edition, it ships with a 901MHz core and increases memory to an effective 4,000MHz - a 100MHz rise above the AMD OC default spec.
Is this relatively meagre rise in clocks worth a few extra pounds or dollars? Read on to find out.