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Review: Palit GeForce RTX 2080 Super WGRP

by Parm Mann on 9 August 2019, 14:01


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World War Z

Homepage: wwzgame.com | Publisher: Mad Dog Games | Developer: Saber Interactive

Enjoy the 2013 film? Then you'll no doubt have fun attempting to navigate your way through the zombie hordes in this 2019 third-person shooter. A blast to play and an interesting addition to our suite as World War Z can be benchmarked using the Khronos Group's Vulkan API.

Shout out for the venerable GTX 1080 Ti. First released back in March of 2017, the previous-generation flagship still puts in a decent showing in most games. We imagine 1080 Ti owners are feeling better about their purchase than those who picked up an RTX 2080 at launch; RTX 2080 Super has come along relatively quickly, costs less, and packs more punch.