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Review: GeCube RADEON X800XLA-VIVO 256MB AGP

by Tarinder Sandhu on 13 June 2005, 00:00

Tags: Gecube

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabg6

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Overclocking tests


An overclock was deemed successful if our Far Cry benchmark ran without a single artifact. The GeCube X800XLA-VIVO's default clocks of 400MHz core and 980MHz memory were raised to a stable 455MHz/1065MHz, respectively, without the help of any additional cooling directed towards the card. Far Cry and DOOM 3 were re-run at 1280x1024 4x AA 8x AF, to see what kind of performance increase the overclocked card gave.

Enough extra oomph to put it clear in second place in Far Cry.

But not enough to displace even a stock-clocked GeForce 6800 GT 256MB PCIe card in DOOM 3.