
NVIDIA laid the performance smackdown with the release of its twin-GPU GeForce 9800 GX2 graphics card that amalgamated two GeForce 8800 GTS 512 GPUs on to one card, SLI'd them, and added a little extra 9-series magic into the mix.
At the same time, NVIDIA had kept the GeForce 8800 GTX and Ultra SKUs alive by hamstringing the newer, leaner GeForce 8800 GT(S) 512 cards with support for two-way SLI, compared to the three-way possible with good, ol' G80.
Now, some two weeks on from the launch of the 9800 GX2, NVIDIA is formally killing-off the 8800 GTX and replacing it with another GTX: the GeForce 9800 GTX.
Is this the generation gap that many have been waiting for, or is it a case of NVIDIA playing the numbering game and not giving a whole lot new for your money. Read on to find out....