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Review: Cooler Master COSMOS

by Matt Davey on 6 July 2007, 08:46

Tags: Cosmos, Cooler Master

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qajbb

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The accessories supplied with the Cosmos are pretty impressive. Starting small, there's a bag that's inside in the HDD bays and holds a decent quantity of cable ties along with the user manual.

Another worthwhile inclusion was an eight-pin adapter that allows the cable from the PSU to reach the additional power socket on an Intel motherboard. It was handy, too, considering our Corsair HX620's own cable couldn't reach.

Cooler Master Cosmos

Although the adaptor was welcome, it would have been nicer if its wiring had been sleeved, though, to make the inside of the case look tidier and reduce build-up of dust.

Cooler Master Cosmos

Next up, and rather more unusual, was a second batch of accessories, this time contained n a rather sweet-looking aluminium box. Can anyone else spot the irony here? Heavy steel case, lightweight aluminium box. D'oh!

Cooler Master Cosmos

Open one end of the box and you'll find a substantial bag of screws for fitting hardware inside the Cosmos. What has to be said, though, is that the slots on heads of the motherboard screws were considerably smaller than normal, so we had to hunt around for a screwdriver that fitted.

Cooler Master Cosmos

Had we thought to look in the other end of the aluminium box, though, we'd have been saved a bit of trouble. Cos, there, among a good handful of additional ties, was a pretty cool little freebie.

At first we thought it was just a key-ring - but couldn't understand why there were keys attached. Then we twigged - they're not keys but, in fact, a pair of screwdrivers - one for straight-slot screws, the other for Phillips cross-heads. Good stuff!