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Review: Antec Nine Hundred Chassis

by Matt Davey on 27 December 2006, 09:29

Tags: Antec

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qahkt

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Inside the heart of the beast

With the side panel of the 900 removed we get a first glimpse inside. It’s a very simple layout that uses its small profile well. Apart from the DVI port problems the only other change we could see that Antec has implemented over the revision 1 model was one of its 120mm blue-LED fans fitted to the back panel instead of the previous black variant.

Antec Nine Hundred

These fans feature tri-speed switches, the norm for Antec, and there’s even one on the huge 200mm fan. With all the fans set to high speed, the 900 really does make a racket, but given the amount of air it shifts at medium, and even low, you shouldn’t really need to use the high settings unless you're really pushing your system.

Antec Nine Hundred

All the fans in the 900 are connected up using a molex powerpoint. There are no three-pin headers to be seen, and given the 900 ships with 4 fans in total, it’s very easy to start running out of connectors. Fortunately, though, the Antec Neo HE we use in our test rig had just enough for our needs, otherwise that could have been quite embarrassing!