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Review: Antec P150 - Quiet PC

by Matt Davey on 23 June 2006, 18:52

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaf3s

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Internal Appearance – As it comes

Antec P150

In terms of the materials used for the P150, the only place you will find any aluminium is on the front panel. The rest of the chassis is high-gauge steel, which does explain the chassis’ high weight when empty.

The biggest disappointment on the inside of the P150 is the lack of a removable motherboard tray. At this price point, it seems a very odd decision, really.

Antec P150

One upside, however, lies with the Antec-branded PSU. Antec is renowned for the quality of its PSU units, and the enclosed PSU is one of the new Neo High Efficiency Modular units with a 430W rating. It alone, we reckon, would cost around £50.

Antec P150

Inside the chassis Antec provide you with a very basic user manual for the P150 together with the obligatory bag of screws and the necessary modular connectors.