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Review: Cooler Master COSMOS S

by Matt Davey on 22 February 2008, 14:42

Tags: Cosmos S, Cooler Master, PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qalvd

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Internal appearance – continued

The bottom PSU mounting has a removable filter, although with the PSU in place it's a bit of a tight squeeze to grab the small handle to slide it out. The rear carries a pre-fitted 120mm fan and the top allows a further three - two fitted as standard.

Cooler Master Cosmos S

The cable management system has also been reworked on the RC1100, although the opening at the top of the motherboard tray doesn't really help when it comes to the four-pin layout of LGA-775 boards.

Cooler Master Cosmos S

There is some good news, an extension is included for an eight-pin Intel motherboard connection and this is as handy as the top hole in the motherboard tray is useless, being blocked by the upper-panel securing mechanism. Not only that but the mechanism for the lower side panel still gets in the way of cable routing, a complaint we raised when reviewing the RC1000.

Cooler Master Cosmos S

Cooler Master Cosmos S

With the change in the HDD arrangement, you'll struggle to keep the RC1100's interior as tidy as was possible with the RC1000, since the drive cable connections feed into the middle of the chassis instead of off to the side.