Feeling kinky?

Over at the Speedlink stand, packed with gamers eager to try out the latest gaming accessories, we managed to drag ourselves away from gawping at the gorgeous models, to test out their lastest gaming wheel.The Power Feeback wheel is compatible with PC, PS2, Xbox and Gamecube.
The luxury of the genuine leather sheathing offers an extremely comfortable grip, and felt rather sexy! After trying a number of different fake leather wheels, this was by far the best wheel that I’ve tried so far at the show. It doesn’t offer anything new in terms of design, there are four directional buttons that sit on the left hand side of the wheel, eight fire buttons (all programmable), and two shifting flaps. It also had an extremely wide steering lock, of which were told was 250° wide.
Unfortunately, the wheel does not come with the babe attached, but we’d certainly recommend it for comfort, and downright sexiness.