Predictive cooling software to keep it chilly

The way it works is actually pretty simple, the MTEC Control Center module consists of a USB connected control board that sits in a convenient place in your case and allows full software interaction to dynamically control the cooling power and fan speeds of nearly any MTEC Chilling solution depending on the preferences of the end user.
So it’s a software control package for your CoolIt products? Well,er, yes… but it does a whole lot more than just adjust fan speeds and the like.

The clever bit about what the MTEC Control Center does is that it takes a look at what your system is doing and then ramps up the cooling automatically before the extra cooling is needed. So rather than being a re-active system like many control suites, the MTEC Control Center is pro-active. What does this mean to the end user? Well, if you’re on the knife edge of overclocking, you have less to worry about if you start to stress your system. The cooling will have already ramped up as you load up your favourite shooter… or if you open up a bunch of large files, the cooling is already there to keep your CPU chilled.
The whole point is that rather than letting heat build and then doing something about it, the MTEC Control Center pre-empts any heat build up, which can only be good for your system and stability.

One of several liquid cooling systems that Predictive Cooling technology works with is the new Boreas 12-TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) chiller. While other cooling alternatives are restricted to a single processor, the Boreas all-in-one solution applies CoolIT’s MTEC technology to chill the CPU, GPU and chipsets allowing for unprecedented levels of overclocking performance.
And let’s face it, now these guys are cooling the new gaming PCs from Dell, they must know what they’re on about..