More whacky than a whacky thing being whacked

Just like last year, we’ve got a full range of weird and wonderful mods, ranging from the unrecognisable with Fake Cake through to the more subtle ‘alternative to a standard case’ with Twins.
Anyway, enough of my waffle, let’s have a look at this year’s finalists:
First up is ‘Walker’, obviously inspired by Mechwarrior or games of that ilk. This was created by Stefan Blass, took 150 hours to build and cost €500.

Next is Projekt Area 51 by Martin Blass, and cost Martin €800.

This multi-windowed PC is called ‘The Fab’and took painter Dirk Steingasser 400 hours and €700 to create.

This next one is ‘Black Ice Projekt’ and was created by systems admin Oliver Peier in just 80 hours and costing just €100.

This is one of my favourite mods and is called ‘Brockenblick’. This cost creator Christian Fischer €100 and 100 hours to make, yes, it’s an old fashioned TV... cool.

Check the next page for more case mods from CeBIT 2007.