KT7 Mod
I heard about the KT7 voltage mod, on one of the forums I read, I was dubious about soldering bits on my board but seeing these pictures for the voltage mod, I realised that it looked "Do able". I was sent these pic by a mate off ICQ, they are floating around the hardware and overclocking forums at the moment..
I increased the size of the pictures in Paintshop so that I could actually see what the heck I was supposed to be soldering to (O:
This is another picture from a slightly different angle, showing the bottom solder point more clearly
I might as well mention this now, don't attempt this unless you can solder, you don't mind if your computer never works again, and that you can buy another board if you screw it up (O:.
Here is the kit I used to do the mod a 25 watt Antex soldering iron specially sharpened at the tip hehe (O:, some fine solder and a various resistors.
Here's proof of it actually working, this picture was taken with the CPU running at 1400Mhz, with core voltage showing 2.06 volts
I've now managed to do this mod 3 times now with different value resistors and it works fine, My maximum core voltage is up to 2.06 volts. But the extra volts haven't got me above the magic 1350Mhz in WIndows )O:, they did allow me to POST at 1438Mhz though which is cool (O:
So to sum up
15k resistor = 2.06 core voltage
20k resistor= 2.01 core voltage
30k resistor = 1.96 core voltage
I've been reading up on this subject a bit and apparently you can alter it more to 2.12 volts before a motherboard overload protection device kicks in, I'm a bit dubious about risking my board and CPU like this so for now at least I'm sticking at 2.06 core, if a resistor smaller than 12k is used then it wont boot up at all, I checked the resistance of the resistor using an electronic multimeter, the 15k resistor I was given by my local TV repair shop was indeed working within the correct limits, at around 14.9k.
So with all the kit to do the mod here, is what I managed on my board, it looks a bit iffy I suppose but its working