It's every man and woman for themselves.
When a zombie outbreak hits America's new capital of entertainment, Fortune City, it is every man and woman for themselves. But some adapt better than others to survival on Fortune City's zombie infested strip. Spurned on by the paternal instinct to protect his daughter, Chuck Greene is one such man.Dead Rising 2 builds on the combat system of Dead Rising where anything that could be picked up could be used as a weapon, by considerably increasing the number of items Chuck will find in Fortune City's casinos, bars and shops. Just as in the original Chuck will be able to make use of items that range from 'traditional' weapons like guns and swords to the more improvised such as roulette wheels, croupier sticks, wheelchairs and stuffed marlins. But Dead Rising 2 takes combat one stage further with a set of truly unique weapons including the paddle-saw (two chain-saws attached to either end of a canoe paddle) and the self-explanatory drill bucket.
Like millions of Americans Chuck is gripped by the TV sensation that is Terror is Reality. Hosted by the flamboyant Tyrone King and ably assisted by his two glamorous co-hosts, Terror is Reality pits ordinary members of the public against an arena full of zombies with a simple challenge: kill more zombies than your opponents and stay alive with the winner collecting big money and the chance to come back and secure even greater prizes.

Like a modern day gladiatorial contest, those lucky enough to get a grandstand seat urge the contestants to spill more zombie blood, with over the top takedowns greeted by rapturous applause and the promise of slow motion replays on the arena's jumbotron. So, what is it that has forced Chuck to risk his life, is he trying to recapture the fame of his motocross days, does he have a reason to hate zombies, or is it simply the lure of big money?
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