Slapstick action
Codemasters are currently working on an exclusive Wii title called Emergency Mayhem, that puts the player at the helm of the three emergency services in a frantic race against time to hold together Crisis City, a mad metropolis falling apart at the seams.The action will apparently be pretty frantic with players dashing from one emergency to the next, taking part in driving missions and playing numerous arcade mini-games. Codemasters tell us that they'll be 30 missions that will involve the likes of rescuing people from burning buildings and defusing bombs in a slapstick kind of way.
So, they'll be the likes of monkeys making an appearance, the use of a trampoline to bounce escaping prisoners back into custody and penguin herdings.
Time will be the enemy, relentlessly counting down as you take charge of a fire truck, ambulance, or police car to speed through the city's eight different districts to the next emergency. When you reach the scene of the emergency play switches to one of over 30 mini-games which take unique advantage of the Wii Remote to solve crazy crises. Using the Wii Remote, you'll have to pump the to practice CPR, point it to direct water from a powerful hose, mimic a wrench to bring bursting water-hydrants under control and aim it to fire tranquiliser darts into on-the-rampage monkeys!

Emergency Mayhem is due to launch in quarter 2 2008.
Five more screenshots overleaf...