Following the announcement of BBX by RIM less than two months ago, BASIS International filed a trademark infringement case claiming that its respective "BBX products are highly related and target the same class of consumers, that is, business application software developers."
In a statement released today, RIM makes no mention of the court order, but does reveal the brand new name for the operating system. BlackBerry 10 will now be "the official name of the next generation platform that will power future BlackBerry smartphones," reads the statement. “The BlackBerry 10 name reflects the significance of the new platform and will leverage the global strength of the BlackBerry brand while also aligning perfectly with RIM’s device branding.”

BBX out, BlackBerry
10 in
The new operating system is part of RIM's strategy to refresh the brand to catch up with smartphone market leaders Apple and Android. As demonstrated on the Blackberry Playbook, the QNX-based Blackberry 10 OS supports Blackberry cloud services and a variety of applications including native SDK, Adobe AIR / Flash and WebWorks/HTML5. BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps in Blackberry 10-based tablets and smartphones will be made available on upcoming devices.