Best looking FIFA game yet
While many games in the sporting genre continue to offer little more than an upgrade to their predecessor, FIFA has come on leaps and bounds over the last few years implementing a wide range of game modes, online innovations and a truly outstanding game engine that works wonders to simulate the beautiful game. Though FIFA 11 doesn’t instigate the same “wow factor as last year’s game, and is more of a refinement of FIFA 10’s issues than a further evolution of the series, yet again it doesn’t disappoint.Last year’s effort was brilliant, the best FIFA game yet. Understandbly so, EA has therefore chosen to examine what was wrong with FIFA 10, take into account player feedback and try and implement those changes in FIFA 11. The result is not only the best looking FIFA title to date, but the most challenging game in the series where the men will almost certainly be sorted out from the boys.
When you boot up FIFA 11 for the first time you’ll be prompted for an Online Pass code. This is required to access certain online content that requires registration with a single-use serial code enclosed with new retail purchases. If you buy FIFA 11 second-hand, or borrow it, you’ll have to fork out separately for a code. It’s EA’s way of tackling piracy and the boom in the second hand video game sales market. Personally we’re not fans of this tactic. When games are so expensive to purchase anyway, buying second hand is the only alternative for a lot of gamers. Now they suffer because they’ll have to purchase this code to take full advantage of the online features. Nevertheless, it shouldn't be much of an issue to the majority.
The menu in FIFA 11 has notably been scaled down and simplified. Rather than getting lost in the myriad of options in FIFA 10, FIFA 11 has been made more accessible and easier to navigate; even the larger font makes it easier on the eye. The first indication of change to the game modes comes on the main menu screen where you're encouraged to test out the new additions this year, including the revamped career mode and Be A Pro Goalkeeper.

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