A Spy RPG by Obsidian
The combination of FallOut New Vegas developer, Obsidian, and the concept of a spy role-playing game should have been a match made in heaven, but in reality it’s an absolute shambles. How one game can promise so much, deliver so little and get the basics so wrong is, quite frankly, shocking.Alpha Protocol is a technically inept, rough around the edges, flawed experience that fails to be saved by (on paper) some fairly decent ideas or its compelling concept. The bad news begins with the storyline, which sadly isn't a Tom Clancy novel quality tale of intrigue and suspense. Lifeless characters, a dull, convoluted plot and an emotionless, gloomy main character in Thornton, the guy tasked with saving an International catastrophe, left us feeling quite numb and bored. And then there's the gameplay.

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