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Review: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

by Nick Haywood on 24 June 2005, 00:00

Tags: Grand theft auto san andreas, Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Do The Right Thing

So given that GTA:SA has a new storyline and some new controls, is there anything else new? Yep, there’s lots of new little extras bolted on to freshen up the GTA experience. I’ve already mentioned the pedal bike which will be the first vehicle (if you can call it that), that you’ll get to steal and clown around on. On top of that there’s the addition of an extra-fast sprint, faster than the usual sprint, which you get by tapping the sprint button. Punch ups are more complex and involving too with the ability to block attacks and carry out combination moves, all of which you learn by going to the gym. But the gym isn’t there just for learning how to fight, you’ve got to look after CJ’s physique too, which means making sure he eats regularly then heading off to the gym to pump some weights, take a spin on the exercise bike and then see the boxing champ to learn how to fight.

But the gym isn’t just window dressing to add more depth to the game, how you do in there affects how well you’ll cope on the streets. The fitter you are the longer you’ll be able to sprint which is handy for getting away from trouble fast. Also, the more muscle you’re carrying will beef up your attacks in a fight, and even affect how far or high you can jump… essential if you want to get over a high wall or jump from rooftop to rooftop. Also affected is CJ’s ability to hold his breath underwater, as he now has the ability to swim… and how long you can stay down is directly related to your stamina.

In fact, GTA:SA plays almost like an RPG with a whole array of stats affecting how competent CJ is at various tasks. Not only is fitness key in certain areas, but abilities come into play when driving vehicles or using weapons. Though you may not notice much difference as you progress through the game, the gradual increase in your skills does make a difference as you become more proficient at driving a car or using a machine gun… and it’s essential you build these up as the later missions become quite tough.