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Review: Naruto: Rise of A Ninja - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 15 November 2007, 14:27

Tags: Naruto: Rise of A Ninja, Xbox 360, Action/Adventure

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Stylish, colourful and entertaining

There are many highlights in Rise of The Ninja; the in-game cut-scenes which accurately portray the exaggerated stylisation of manga, the enchanting musical score, or even exploring the village for coins, but the fighting is by far the biggest draw. It does get tough, and combat could be deemed to be repetitive in places, but it never becomes boring and it certainly doesn’t rely, as many fighting games do, on button-bashing your way through.

The fighting mechanic is very deep and aside from pulling off numerous combos (including magnificent aerial combos) it requires an equal balance of attacking and defending, as well as knowledge of the moves. At times it’s very basic - you can shield yourself, wait for your opponent to start attacking, wait for him to finish his attack and then begin your own, but as the baddies get tougher each battle becomes an intense battle of skill and wits as they pull out the full range of moves to counter your attacks and attempt to pummel you into submission.

One part of combat is the Jutsus, a magical ability technique that requires a specific hand sign to carry out. As well as being visually impressive, intuitive to use, and often amusing to pull off, they’re also extremely effective in battle. These special Jutsus are unlocked the further you progress in the game and come in handy during mini-quests in the village, where you can use a Chakra Jutsu to run up a tree or use a Shadow Jutsu to conjure up a beautiful woman to ‘wow’ the local villagers; in battle, however, they can be a deadly weapon.

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Jutsus are performed by pulling the left trigger and moving your left and right thumbsticks in a set pattern that was taught by your trainer. In a fight you’ll often find yourself with a spare moment to be able to pull off a Jutsu and then you’ll be treated to a cut-scene where you can use your Shadow Clone Jutsu to conjure up clones of yourself to attack him in numbers. The fight scenes have a great flow to them and they’re always a challenge, but are still always good fun to take part it. Jutsus add to the whole tactical process of combat and enhance the spectacle of the fight.

Naruto: Rise of The Ninja is certainly an addictive adventure, which is helped in no small part by a heavy dose of style. The platforming elements in the Forest Of Death are occasionally dull and there’s little depth to them, but it’s easily forgiven after you experience your first bout of combat and revel in the visual spectacle and balanced battles. The ideas behind the mini-games are old and collecting coins has been done a million times before, yet Naruto will still manage to win you over with its exquisite charm and provocative comic-book style.

Looks fab
Great animation
Jutsus are great fun to use
Fighting is brilliant

Platforming parts do get a bit stale
Picking up a new quest cancels out the old one

Stylish, colourful and entertaining.

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Naruto: Rise of A Ninja- Xbox 360

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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Excellent review - as you've highlighted the issue with the quests was a pain but at least it was in the pause menu so you can change it while pausing to go for that oh-so-needed toilet break.

I'm still playing this (as you can see from my signature) even though I've completed it once because it's really good fun and very addictive. One thing that was a right pain for me was the tree jumping sections of the game. It got too fast for my old eyes to keep up with in some areas and when falling you end up having to scrap with a enemy in order to get back into the trees again.

Steven's not mentioned this but you can load the game and if you want have a naruto battle against your friends akin to the street fighter battles, but with even better moves and graphics in my opinion. As for the difficulty of this I've tried it against the computer from levels 1 to 3 and 3 is just about my limit at the moment. Anything above 3 i.e 4 or 5 results in a pummelling of epic proportions which Mike Tyson would be extremely proud of dishing out.
Lee @ SCAN;1265512
Excellent review - as you've highlighted the issue with the quests was a pain but at least it was in the pause menu so you can change it while pausing to go for that oh-so-needed toilet break.

I'm still playing this (as you can see from my signature) even though I've completed it once because it's really good fun and very addictive. One thing that was a right pain for me was the tree jumping sections of the game. It got too fast for my old eyes to keep up with in some areas and when falling you end up having to scrap with a enemy in order to get back into the trees again.

Steven's not mentioned this but you can load the game and if you want have a naruto battle against your friends akin to the street fighter battles, but with even better moves and graphics in my opinion. As for the difficulty of this I've tried it against the computer from levels 1 to 3 and 3 is just about my limit at the moment. Anything above 3 i.e 4 or 5 results in a pummelling of epic proportions which Mike Tyson would be extremely proud of dishing out.

I should have mentioned multiplayer, although I couldn't really comment on how great it is. I've only played one match and got my ass kicked in about 10 seconds.

I'm definitely going to continue playing this one.
If you want an online fight - give me a nudge on live mate.

I'll sexy jutsu you all over the place….

Now wheres that sexy smiley gone ;)
This is a game that I really want to have a go at - having watched the anime for so long! It'd be interesting if it was produced on the Wii, given how the controller could be used, as well. Here's hoping that the dubious saxophone music is included with the ‘sexy’ jutsu!
Love this game apart from a couple of things.

As Lee said the tree bit's can be tedious, especially towards the end, I remember the last four orange quests required you to goto the same area which required two tree sequences.
English voices suck, but they're releasing free DLC for this problem
Fighting system is far too easy to exploit with cheap combos, the majority of people online are either really, really good or they're cheap bastards who use the same combo over and over.